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Reproducing a Social Vulnerability Model

There is great value in reproducing multi-criteria models, such as a social vulnerability index, in geographical studies. In Malcomb et al’s study of Malawi, their goal is to create a model that can be applied to other areas in sub-Saharan Africa and predict vulnerability to climate change. Inevitably, the creation of this model involves many subjective decisions; which data sources to use, how to structure interviews, how to weight and normalize quantitative and qualitative data types, how to structure the final equation. Indicies such as this may be used in governmental decisions about resource allocation and infrastructure changes in areas that are shown to be especially susceptible to risk factors. This means that a robust model is important in aiming for equitable policy making related to vulnerable areas. Reproduction studies can check for robustness by confirming the logic of the research design. In learning about the research of my advisor, I have been able to look at the development of the well-being index