Posts by Category


Reproducing Vulnerability Models

less than 1 minute read

Reproducing a Social Vulnerability Model There is great value in reproducing multi-criteria models, such as a social vulnerability index, in geographical st...

Reproducing Malcomb et al

1 minute read

Reproducing the Malcomb et al Vulnerability Model Study in Malawi In my reanalysis of Malcomb’s study, I decided to change the vulnerability calculation to ...

Provenance, Error, and Uncertainty

1 minute read

Longley et. al’s chapter on uncertainty shows the many filters through which reality passes when researchers attempt to distill questions, observations, and ...

Reproducing Chakraborty

1 minute read

Reproducing the Chakraborty COVID-19 Disability Study Taking the steps to carry out a reproduction study demonstrated the importance of accessible and open ...

Reproducible and Open GIScience

2 minute read

Reproducible and Open GIScience To what extent does open source GIS help solve the problems of the reproducibility crisis for geography? How? ...

Is GIS a Science?

less than 1 minute read

Is GIS a Science? I have mostly studied GIS as a tool thus far, and I’m not sure that it should count as a science. In my Jterm Human Geography with GIS clas...

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